Published by on 09 Aug 2010 at 02:47 pm
Radio/TV interviews
CFAX interview July 15, 2010
Below is a link to an interview on False Alarm on the Dave Dickson show, CFAX 1070 Radio in Victoria, on July 15, 2010. It’s about 27 minutes. You can download the file and play it on Quicktime, VLC, RealPlayer, etc.
CFAX interview July 15, 2010 mp3
Podcast version (faster and easier):
CFAX interview July 15 2010 Podcast version
CFAX debate with Guy Dauncey, July 26, 2010
Victoria environmentalist Guy Dauncey graciously agreed to debate with me on the issue of climate change on Stephen Andrew’s program on CFAX radio.
MP3 version (download and play):
CFAX debate MacRae and Dauncy mp3
Podcast version (faster and easier):
CFAX debate July 26, 2010 Podcast version
YouTube videos
On YouTube you can find several videos on climate change issues, including a talk I gave at the book launch for False Alarm. The YouTube search term is “falsealarmbook.” The URL is: Below is the first of the videos.
Here’s a short video of an interview with Stephen Andrew of Victoria’s A-Channel television.