Paul MacRae, May 31, 2008

“It is time to put aside the global warming dogma, at least to begin contingency planning about what to do if we are moving into another little ice age.”

–from “The Deniers: Our spotless sun.”

Those who still think humans are to blame for planetary warming and cooling should have a look at Lawrence Solomon’s article in the National Post, May 31, 2008, “The Deniers: Our spotless sun.”

It shows pretty conclusively that changes in sunspot activity have caused major climatic changes in the past (the Medieval Warm Period, 800-1350, and the Little Ice Age, 1350-1850), and that low sunspot activity now may bring on another cooling that we will like far less than warming (which usually brings benefits).


The graph to the right shows sunspots and temperature for the last 150 years (Friends of Science website).

Below that is a graph showing sunspot activity and climate for the past 400 years (from Global Warming Art).

Global warming alarmists like to point out that the current warming began about in about 1850, when industrialization was also on the rise. If the human-caused carbon dioxide theory of warming was true (it isn’t, as the sunspot data shows, but if it was true), then industrialization took us out of a cold spell into more benign conditions. We should be grateful to those grim Satanic mills!

Ironically, if the planet gets colder, many of the apocalyptic predictions of the global warming alarmists that didn’t occur because the planet warmed — like mass starvation as prophesied by Paul Ehrlich in The Population Bomb — may yet come true. Why? Because a warmer planet = longer growing seasons and more cropland available in the vast northern regions.

We’re better off with a warming planet than a cooling one. Let’s hope the climate “consensus” starts looking at the actual evidence, rather than the IPCC reports, and revises its hypothesis toward natural, rather than human, causes of climate change before we do any more damage to the world economy, not to mention common sense.

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